The Godfather (Part 1)

The Godfather (Part 1)

Age: 15+
Genre: Crime and Drama
Running time: 2.5 hours (approx)
Rating: 9/10

This film is the first of a sequel of films based on the Corleone family, who are a New York organised crime family.

The film, whilst having a long running time, is incredibly captivating for the audience from start to finish. The film is more than a story about gangsters, it contains themes of love, betrayal, family and belonging. Interestingly, the film presents the gangster family's perspective of the Mafia, instead of providing the view from an outside. Because of this, the viewer throughout the film often forgets the crime the family commits and instead sympathises with them as they face threat from other gangster family's. This film is definitely one to watch!

Andrew Antoun



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