The Kite Runner (2007)

Title:  The Kite Runner (2007)

Classification: MA 15+
Running time: 2hours 10 minutes

Genre: Drama, Romance

Description: This is a film is told through the memory of a rich Afghani boy, Amir, who lives in Afghanistan with their two servants. Amir becomes friends with the servants son, Hassan, however there is a clear social divide which affects their relationship. Amir and is forced to flee Afghanistan with his father and start a new life in America, leaving behind his friendship with Hassan.

Review: The Kite Runner is a film about friendship, betrayal and the price of loyalty. The use of symbolism through the film adds a deeper layer of meaning to the film. This is further achieved through the use of soundtracks which set the mood of the film. There are scenes of the film which are extremely confronting, and as such, viewer discretion should be advised. Interestingly, the audience is able to see the full character development of Amir, by seeing him at the beginning of the film, where he is a child, to the end of the film, where he is an adult.

Rating: 6/10

By Andrew Antoun



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