21 Jump Street (2012)
Title: 21 Jump Street (2012) Age requirement: R18+ Running time: 1h 50min Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime Description: When former high school enemies become a pair of underachieving cops, they are sent back to a local high school as undercover cops to pose as high school students with the hopes to bring down a synthetic drug ring dealing something known as H.F.S. Review: 21 Jump Street was definitely an unexpected surprise for most people; becoming one of the funniest films of 2012 it accurately portrays modern day high school as well as a rough idea of what happens when you put two of the most immature cops on a mission there. Being a reboot of the late-eighties TV show that made Johnny Depp famous, now starring faces such Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill, this action comedy will provide a playful spark and will have you laughing on your seat. Rating: 7/10 By Julian Teow imagesource: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71nckNhegYL._...